Memorize scripture

in three minutes a day

A 52 week plan to help you memorize God's Word.

Memorize 2-3 verses a week in just 3 minutes a day

52 week workbook with daily exercises

Passages pre-selected for each week

Daily exercises you can complete in 3-5 minutes

A simple plan that works

Meaningful & Manageable

Trenton Worsham

A husband, father, follower of Jesus and pastor for over 20 years, Trenton loves creating practical tools for personal and spiritual development. He loves to travel, write and most importantly go on adventures with his family.

How it started

You would think memorizing scripture would come easily for a pastor, but that's not always the case. The task has always seemed like a vital part of the spiritual journey that was missing in my life. After watching my kids successfully memorize scripture, I decided it was time to figure it out for myself. I decided to create a system that would work for me and would add no more than 3 minutes of effort per day to my busy schedule. This system has helped me find success in hiding God's word in my heart one day at a time and I hope it's helpful to you as well.

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Take the 7 Day Challenge

See how easy it is to memorize scripture in 3 minutes a day.

Tips for memorizing scripture

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Make a plan

The first step towards memorizing scripture is selecting a passage that is meaningful and manageable. Start with 1-2 verses that are important to you.

Write the verse out on something you'll see often and set a goal for when you want to have it memorized.

Choose a time and place

With scripture memory, consistency is key. Try to pick the TIME and PLACE you plan to spend a few minutes each day working on scripture memory. For example: At night before bed or at the breakfast table.

Keep in interesting

Write it out

Say it out loud

Sing it

Draw it

Keep it interesting by interacting with the scripture a different way each day. This will build muscle memory.

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